I've been Smitten

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

conversations with my daughter...

LF: Who's your fairy Godmother?
Me: Aunt Barbara.
LF: Who?
Me:  Aunt Barbara.
LF: Who?
Me Aunt Barbara.  You know. Aunt Barbara.
LF: Yeah. I know who she is, I was just joking.

LF: Why are you laughing at me?
Me: Because you are funny.
LF: Yeah, that's what makes me special.

LF:  Don't get upset if you don't want to. That's what I say.
I'm actually changing my motto to this...very insightful for a girl of four.  I wish she would follow her own advice though.

1 comment:

This Magic Moment said...

that little girl says the funniest things!! It always brings a laugh to my day when I see you post a LF conversation!!

My 5 year old's motto is "mommy-I just go to the flow"
Yeah-sure she does!! LOL :)