I've been Smitten

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year...

My New Year's Resolution...
Hub announced that mine is lame. I beg to differ. My NY resolution is to spend more time with the kids. He says that I am off on Tuesday's and Thursday's and he feels I do give the kids all my available time. That is true. BUT, when I am home on those days I feel that I am cleaning and spending most of their time worrying about the dust bunnies that are rolling across the pergo floor. I'm stopping that...of course once the Christmas decorations are packed away and my house is back to normal.
My second resolution is to become more organized. While on our Vegas vacation I became extremely jealous of my sister-in-laws organizational skills. She has a label maker and that thing has paid for itself in triple. She even had the rectal thermometer labeled (we all giggled but in hind sight, I would want to know which is the oral and which is the rectal). Anyway I already purchased the pull out bins and drawers.
Now, can I get organized without breaking my first NY resolution?

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