I've been Smitten

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...but not so wordless

So LF's Aunt Megan got married on June 13th this year. This is Aunt Megan's song and WAS LF's favorite song:


Aunt Megan's friend the Spectacular Nikki and Boring Brien got hitched last Friday night. This song was on their wedding favor CD. As soon as it came on the radio LF immediately began bopping to the beat and cracked up laughing. The song was dubbed by me Nikki's song. Aunt Meg, your out, Nikki your in. It is LF's favorite, we have listened to it probably twenty times in the last two days. I know every word and can sing it like Jimmy himself. Don't be deceived though. Nikki is a pretty person inside and out. I don't know if you cook Nikki, but I'm sure Brien could not do better.
Best of luck and wishes for a lifetime of happiness.


Mike said...

I have to say I'm torn between the two...I've grown attached to the Meg's song but now watching the video on the second I'm kinda into it...escpecially the two kids at the end..pretty funny!! Anyway...Lily has her favorite songs in Daddy's truck...they consist of Nickelback's Rockstar (daddy's song), Shakira..(Her new Mommys song). She can't listen to the rest becuase they're bad.

nikki said...

Yay! ...But I'm also sorry you have to listen to this song so often now...

Thank you. This video is hilarious, by the way. So funny.

Meg (MU) said...

What!!!! I am jealous...I will have to persuade LF next time I see her. HA...awesome song list though Nikki and Brien