1. A bride in a pink wedding gown.
2. My new brother-in-law, HPU.(MIA since the wedding 3 months ago)
The bride is a highschool friend of my sister's, and the author of I can't believe I've become a blogger. Although I was not invited to the wedding, I just had to see her walk down the aisle.
Best wishes to Nikki and Brian.
My new bro in law. How long has it been, oh yeah three months. Thank goodness there was a wedding this weekend. We immediatly fell into the old antics of love and hate. And I got to see him not once but twice, woo hoo. He stopped by my house on Sunday to borrow a golf shirt from hub, because he was late for an outing. I guess I'll see him on Thanksgiving next. Which will be a step up, just two months away.
Just kidding HPU. I know that you try, try to come over. As my dad says, "I'll see ya next Saturday! "
HA--PU also told you he loved you.....
Can't imagine why I don't spend more time with such a sweet person like my sister in law. Lets see...House on the bay in Avalon or crazy witch woman. I just can't figure it out.LOL. Just kidding man, I will stop by every day for a hug and some of your "cooking"
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