I've been Smitten

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What I did today...

I found a full bag of little itty bitty red, green and white jimmies. You know the ones that decorate cute Christmas cookies. I thought it might be a fun craft to write in glue and cover the glue with the jimmies. Yeah! Well LF had a blast. I on the other hand spent the rest of the morning vacuuming the whole family room with the brush attachment. I'm still finding them. Next time I have a bright idea like this I hope LF slaps me and brings me back to mommy reality.


Anonymous said...

It's a great idea...

so why not do it out on the back porch?

Meg (MU) said...

Damn Liam...you beat me to my suggestion and I don't even have kids...I bet it is because mom wanted to catch-up on TV...ha. or blogging.