I've been Smitten

Monday, January 26, 2009

An admission...

On Friday night, Hub started the defrost of Sunday's succulent duck dinner. Saturday afternoon began the marination process. Sunday morning I admitted to my hopeful husband that I was not looking forward to our feast. Sunday afternoon was the application of the bacon strips. Sunday early evening Hub admitted that he also was a little leery.

WHAT!!! He is making me sample this duck that he "harvested" and he is apprehensive. BLURG!!

I think he got the wrong idea of me on Saturday's date night. Hub used trickery to succeed in getting me to a fancy schmancy seafood restaurant. (meaning he failed to tell me it was a seafood restaurant) I do not eat seafood. But for the first time in my life I ordered fish. He was totally shocked.

Anyway a little background, ever since I was pregnant with my first 3+ years ago, I have been having meat issues. I know that it is mind over matter. I think about it way to much. I still am a carnivore, I just do not always finish my plate.

So when all was said and done. I did not even taste the duck. I could not even bring myself to test it. I think Hub was a little disappointed. Like he provided for his family some tasty meat but his family had Deluxe Kraft mac and cheese instead. He admitted to the duck being just okay. And also said that I would not like it.

He will "harvest" again, he claims. This time using a different recipe. Maybe I'll hold my nose and take a little bite.