I've been Smitten

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Things that don't kill me, will only make me smarter...

  1. My daughter is getting so big. I don't know where 2 1/2 years has gone. She amazes me with her knowledge and vocabulary everyday. I love listening to her sing Dumb Dog, over the monitor. It makes me smile everytime.

  2. I became an MRI tech so I didn't have to talk to or touch people. But because I care about my job and my patients, I will massage a hairy guy's calf because he is having a spasm. I almost walked out of the room and left him crippling in pain, but my conscience got the better of me.

  3. It takes only five cents to break my computer's memory card slot.

  4. My company laid off 6 people on Thursday. I'm thankful that I still have a job. It's really tough out there.

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